With this article, we will help you to improve your vocabulary and writing skills with the use of adverbs.
The first thing is that we need to understand what adverbs are: their functions lie in being words that can change, modify and add more information about a verb in a sentence. Now that we know what they are, in this post, you will read more information about their different types and how to correctly use them.
What type of adverbs are there?
Adverbs are divided into classes, and each one has different characteristics. In this next section, we are going to explain each type and what their differences are:
Time adverbs
The main characteristic of time adverbs is that they give us information about the action, and when it is taking place or if it is being done in a specific manner.
Today, yesterday, tomorrow, late, early, now.
Frequency adverbs
The frequency adverbs mainly give us information about the frequency in which the action is done or will be done.os adverbios de frecuenci
Always 100% percent of the time.
Usually / Frequently 80% percent of the time.
Sometimes 50% percent of the time.
Hardly ever 30% percent of the time.
Never 0% percent of the time.
Adverbs of place
The adverbs of place tell us where the action is taking place or if it is doing something specific.
Here, there, everywhere, nowhere, somewhere, outside, nearby.
Manner Adverbs
These types of adverbs describe how an action is done or how something happens.
Well, quickly, slowly, badly , softly, loudly, happily, sadly.
Quantity adverbs
These type of adverbs are basically used to quantify or count the manner in which an action is taking place.
Hardly, less, almost, completely, enough , little , less, simply.

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